Poeta, redatora e tradutora - não necessariamente nessa ordem
Dear English-speaking friend,
my name is Luiza and this is my personal website.
I'm a freelance copywriter and translator based in Rio, but there's so much more to it. I'm gonna try to sum it all up here, ok? Good.
I have BA in English & Translation and a Master's Degree in contemporary literature, which you can peruse here, and for which I researched contemporary/bilingual Brazilian poetry. I spent a year at Leeds Uni (UK) during my undergrad and six months at Brown University (US) as a visiting research fellow during my masters.
Since graduating, I've worked as assistant editor at Editora Guarda-Chuva and then decided to set up office at home. I spend my days translating and writing copy/content for brands and online publications. The "portfólio" section has a few things in English, but shoot me an email if I'd like to see more. I'm very well versed in themes such as pop culture, TV series, movies, sports, girl power, feminism, social justice, travelling, cooking, veganism, aliens & outer space. Not necessarily in that order.
In a nutshell, this is it. But do write me, I like to type!